There was a young man that very badly character. One day his father gave to him a bag with nails and said to him that whenever he should lose the stirrups he had to fix a nail in the fence behind the house. The first day fixed 37 nails in the fence … But little by little he was calming down because he discovered that was much easier control his character than fix the nails in the fence. And this way he was improving his behavior.
Then the day came when the boy had to fix an alone nail in the fence and happy it was said to his father. Then the dad suggested him that for every day that he should control his character extract a nail of the fence.
The weeks passed and the young man could say finally to his father that already he had extracted all the nails of the fence.
Without saying a word the dad took of the hand his son to the behind fence…
" Son looks, you have done well, … but concentrate on all the holes that stayed in the fence. When you say or do things with annoyance, you leave a scar in the hearts of the persons like this hole in the fence. It's how to put a knife to someone; though you turn it to extracting the this made wound. And though you ask for excuses, sometimes the wound slow months or years in recovering ".
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