A woman whose flight was delayed was waiting in the airport. Looking for ways of killing the time, a package of cookies was bought and proceeded to look for a free seat in the room of wait. " We are sorry about the delay of our flight. In brief moments will be able to approach the plane ".
The girl was totally concentrated in the reading of a book, but she could not less than to perceive that the gentleman sat to her side introduced shamelessly the hand in the package of cookies and served very happy one or two. She pretended to ignore it, to avoid a clash.
She continued reading, eating cookies and looking constant at the clock while the bold thief of cookies was continuing ones being devoured avidly.
As they were passing the minutes, the indignation of the woman was growing more and more. She exclaimed for your innermost being: Yes she was not a nice and polite person, I would get up and would give him her a good slap.
With every cookie that the bold thief was serving , she was serving other one . When already only one was in the package of cookies, she asked herself what he would be going to make this scoundrel. With a nervous snicker he took the cookie, divided it for the half and offered her. Surprised for small shame of the young man, she snatched the half and thought: What cheeky fellow, and the low has not even deigned to thanking me. Relief she listened to the called one to approach the aircraft.
Aeromerica announces the exit of the flight 101 with destiny to Chicago. Be served to go on to the room of loading to approach the plane ".
Taking her hand-luggage she went to the room of shipment, ignoring the ingrate heavy eater.
On having approached the plane she established comfortably in the seat that had reserved and prepared to continue the reading of her book. On having opened her purse to look for it, she saw with horror that there was the package of cookies that she had bought, still intact. If mine are here and they are not even opened, it wants to say that those that we ate up among the two belong to that gentleman, and that he shared them with me.
In this moment she fell due in account that the rude one, the ungrateful one and the thief had been she. Too much late to ask for excuses.....
Often we judge the others with too much rapidity. We must analyze with supreme care our way of reacting to supposed mistakes. There are persons who already have created the habit of thinking badly about others, of accusing and pronouncing sentence without knowing not even the half of the details and without taking the most minimal inconvenience to verify the possible motives that might justify your behavior.
If you want to be happy, friend mine, learns to look for the good thing at the people and treats the offenses with a heart full of comprehension.