Today has woken my soul up and is done
Conscious of the love that I feel and
wants that it is real and to be able
To support my heart that one drowns
And it restricts itself of so much pain that feels
what is at the time that more hurts me
The loneliness that I feel even being dear.
Now my throat is closed a tear has escaped
Why you are weeping ?
Is that I don't find to whom looks for my soul
Perhaps do you chase it?
Not, only I hope that it comes to my, if
He wishes and anhelle it of sincere heart
Not hardened not cheated.
Time, I will have to wait
Perhaps have you time?
Here already not, with him I don't measure the time
What you look?
That remains to my side,
more time of which he gives me
Are you sure that he loves you?
My heart is not deceptive, the mind deceives itself that like that it is.
Say me then where he this one now?
I don't know it, lost, hidden, in security, slept,
sunk for to live without feeling,
Only does see and wait who knows that?
Perhaps don't you know?
What is that I know
, not nothing of him,
Only I want to believe that he loves me and it is sufficient
Then because are you sad?
Because now I refuse to believe that he not
Think in my.
Ah ..... because this one lost ............... or he never was here.

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